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Pumpkin Body Scrub

October 17, 2014


Here at Kitchen Revelry, we are big fans of keeping it fresh – DIY style – and right now, that means getting seasonal with a Pumpkin Sugar Body Scrub.

Made with all-natural ingredients, including real pumpkin, this scrub whips up fast and cheap.  The brown sugar will take off the last of your summer-sun dryness, while the Coconut and Vitamin E oils leave your skin supple and smooth.  Bonus prize?  When you wash it away, your skin will retain a slight scent of pumpkin pie spice.

You’ll look and smell good enough to eat.



Pumpkin Body Scrub with Brown Sugar


      ½ cup canned Pumpkin
        1 ½ cups Brown Sugar
          2 tsp. Pumpkin Spice
            ¾  cup Coconut Oil
              2 capsules Vitamin E


            Combine Pumpkin, Brown Sugar, and Pumpkin Spice in a bowl and stir.  Pour in Coconut Oil, then break Vitamin E Capsules and pour in the liquid.  Fold all ingredients together until they are fully combined.

            Pour mixture into a glass jar, and it is ready to use!  Slather it on in the shower or at the sink, scrub away, then rinse off.  Pull on your favorite fall ensemble, and show off your gorgeous, glowing skin!

            Use within a week, if you can even make it last that long…

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Photo of Ingredients